Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Iran and the IAEA

So, Iran has won a short reprieve from a possible referral to the UN Security Council over its nuclear programme. This is to allow Russia to badger Iran into shifting uranium enrichment, which Iran currently hopes to undertake at Natanz, to Russian soil, under Russian scientists. Such a solution would save Iran from sanctions, would save Russian prestige from the humiliation of being proved wrong over the 'peaceful' nature of Iran's nuclear efforts, and would speed Iran towards its stated goal of peaceful nuclear energy. The solution would also address Iran's problems with extracting uranium hexafloride gas (UF6) from uranium yellowcake, although the Iranians might feel some shame if the Russians refuse to put Iranian UF6, which is currently crap, through Russian centrifuges for fear of damaging them.

Unfortunately, if, like me, you still suspect that Iran's intentions aren't all that peaceful, you won't be surprised if Iran either rejects this compromise outright, or accepts it and then cheats on it by trying to develop enrichment capabilities anyway.

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